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∎ [PDF] Free Effi Briest Theodor Fontane 9783872911704 Books

Effi Briest Theodor Fontane 9783872911704 Books

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Effi Briest Theodor Fontane 9783872911704 Books

I am disappointed in this edition of Efii Briest. The footnotes are quite helpful, but it is an exaggeration to call this a side by side edition as large portions of the text are not translated and so the German text sits on the left side and after a cursory summary of what happens (in just a fewlines) there is blank white space on the right for several pages. While translations of this in English are available, the whole point of this (I thought) is to give people who are working on learning German a comparison text to look at. (If this is a pedagogic decision then atleast if could be explained and defended in some kind of foreward, and then the blank pages could have notes about translation issues and aids to students, but instead the reader is simply confronted with empty pages. The book is a large format, (which is nice), but I can't really recommend it.

Read Effi Briest Theodor Fontane 9783872911704 Books

Tags : Effi Briest [Theodor Fontane] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. »Ach, Luise, laß … das ist ein zu weites Feld.« Fontanes Effi Briest reiht sich nach „Madame Bovary“ und „Anna Karenina“ ein in die Reihe der großen dramatischen Eheromane des 19. Jahrhunderts. Es ist sein bis heute populärstes und in der Literaturgeschichte bedeutendstes Werk: ein scharfes Gesellschaftsporträt und zugleich hoch poetisch.,Theodor Fontane,Effi Briest,Hamburger Lesehefte,3872911708,9783872911704

Effi Briest Theodor Fontane 9783872911704 Books Reviews

Fontane's examination of upper class Germany in the nineteenth century ultimately proves to be a scathing indictment of the "me first" mentality, but, and this is important NOTHING HAPPENS. For about 200 pages Fontane wastes the readers' time by doing what could be done in about 30 pages He shows how messed up the whole aristocratic scene was. Yeah, so they commit adultery an lie to each others face, you don't have to drag it out for so damn long. All in all, it makes me feel good to NOT be a rich upper class waster. And once the hammer drops (about 35 pages before the book ends) it still doesn't matter that Fontane has built these characters up They are all the same exact characters in different bodies. I didn't feel anything for Effi or Instetten or anyone else except Roswitha, and her only because her dad chased her aroudn with a red-hot poker when she was a young girl.
The book arrived in perfect condition. I loved the story.
It's a German classic. The film is on YouTube, by the way. If you read German, it's quite worth buying.
How does one rate a classic that has already stood the test of time? It sheds an interesting light into the time in Germany before the World War I. I read the German edition because German is my first language. To somebody who speaks German not very competently, this will be difficult to read. Yet, at the same time, I cannot imagine how it could be translated and give justice to the brilliance of the language.
Theodor Fontane was a wonderful writer. In a subtle & disarming way, he addresses social, political, geographical, & personal issues. He wrote in a way that illuminated the cultural influences in the Brandenburger March & the rapid changes that were underway at his time. He did this through what seems to be a simple story-telling style, but his use of language was highly crafted, and he never told his readers what to think. The individuals essentially led their lives as they had to, because of who they were. Violence (in the form of a duel) & sexual content (an affair) are dealt with as expressions of the characters' emotions, but there are no graphic descriptions of the actual events. Those events occur fleetingly, becoming part of the causality of later events. Much has been said in comparing Effie Briest to Flaubert's Madame Bovary; but Effie is a far more innocent person whose life is ruined by her own behavior, for which she accepts responsibility, while Emma Bovary is so narcissistic that one cannot empathize with her. Even the characters who might have been treated like villains by other writers are presented without florid descriptions; rather, they, too, are just who they are.Until I bought this volume, I'd read Fontanne only in wonderful translations from the German, which left me wondering whether I'd gotten the full sense of his writing. I am delighted that I now have further insight into the craft of this fine writer.
I am disappointed in this edition of Efii Briest. The footnotes are quite helpful, but it is an exaggeration to call this a side by side edition as large portions of the text are not translated and so the German text sits on the left side and after a cursory summary of what happens (in just a fewlines) there is blank white space on the right for several pages. While translations of this in English are available, the whole point of this (I thought) is to give people who are working on learning German a comparison text to look at. (If this is a pedagogic decision then atleast if could be explained and defended in some kind of foreward, and then the blank pages could have notes about translation issues and aids to students, but instead the reader is simply confronted with empty pages. The book is a large format, (which is nice), but I can't really recommend it.
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